2008 Belle Isle 4 Mile (#1) 12/31/08—1/1/09

See all the race stats. New Year's Eve 2008 - Belle Isle, Detroit Michigan. A quick 4 mile run, no sweat, except it was about 21 degrees out!
New Year's Eve 2008 - Belle Isle, Detroit Michigan. A quick 4 mile run, no sweat, except it was about 21 degrees out!
The crowd at the packet pick up was not to bad... at this time of day... note the person in shorts! People are nuts!
The dome in the "Casino", an older building with some nice design features.
Below the dome is the floor with the glass bricks which are lighted.
In the ceiling of the lower floor you can see the construction of the "floor lights" in the previous photo.
The official shirt of the race.
The official tee shirt logo.
New Year's Eve 2008 - Belle Isle, Detroit Michigan. A quick 4 mile run, no sweat, except it was about 21 degrees out!
New Year's Eve 2008 - Belle Isle, Detroit Michigan. A quick 4 mile run, no sweat, except it was about 21 degrees out!
New Year's Eve 2008 - Belle Isle, Detroit Michigan. A quick 4 mile run, no sweat, except it was about 21 degrees out!
They have a bar also! Just beer, some people taking advantage before the race... maybe to try and get numb?
A friend from work showed up to run. Didn't know he was coming.
The announcer and a little bit of the outside of the casino.
New Year's Eve 2008 - Belle Isle, Detroit Michigan. A quick 4 mile run, no sweat, except it was about 21 degrees out!
New Year's Eve 2008 - Belle Isle, Detroit Michigan. A quick 4 mile run, no sweat, except it was about 21 degrees out!
I have learned all I know about cold weather running from the famous coach "Hannibal Lecter". .... except he was hard to talk with... kept saying "I do wish we…
New Year's Eve 2008 - Belle Isle, Detroit Michigan. A quick 4 mile run, no sweat, except it was about 21 degrees out!
They're off!