First Gripe of 2008

Okay, I have a gripe about some constructive criticism for blog authors, sure I probably have more than one lots of wonderful suggestions, but I’m just gonna gripe about discuss the one on my mind right now.

I’m just gonna gripe present some helpful alternatives about the one on my mind right now.

Remember back to 1999 and the pending “Year 2000” issues. Lots of people trying to fix the “problem”, people digging bomb shelters, stocking them full of food and toilet paper. Mass hysteria was narrowly avoided. Then the pundits “well you should have seen this coming – why wouldn’t you put the full date into a document/field”. Everyone blaming everyone and so on – all after the fact. Well I think that is happening on a smaller scale with blogs.

I have been searching for WordPress information recently and find a number of great posts with helpful information on different topics But now, a small problem. Since things change over time, including how WordPress, plugins or widgets function, if the information is not current you waste time reading through the article until you find out it applied to WordPress version 1. 1 (for example).

So my gripe is with Post Dates, actually the lack thereof!

It would be really nice if everyone added the full date to their posts. Some have partial dates “Feb 4”, great but is this Feb 4 2008 or Feb 4 2003? In a few more years this will just compound, since the old posts will probably hang out about forever, in 2020 if you search for “creating mouseover / rollover / hover links to automatically open a picture” there are going to be some really old examples out there…
Think about it, and if you are writing a blog, how about adding the full date for future reference.
Don’t get caught by the “Year 2000” issue just to save some space or time!