Interesting Running Stuff – Latest Tech

Tomorrow is the Detroit Turkey Trot, and I have entered the 10K race. Today I went and picked up the packet of “stuff” which includes the Tee Shirt and Bib Number.

Detroit Turkey Trot 10K November 27 2008

Most races use a “hard” chip such as the Champion Chip. A disc about the size of a quarter and about .250 inch thick and has slots to run shoe laces through (or plastic ties) to secure the chip to the shoe. This works great, and you can even purchase your own chip if you like. They have only a few downsides. One is that if you lose it, or forget to remove it from your shoe they charge you $30 for it. Ouch. The other is at most races there are marshal’s right at the end of the line that stop you and remove the chip. While they remove it for you, normally I am huffing and puffing and do not really feel like standing there and waiting for them to remove and retie my shoe. It doesn’t take all that long, but when I can barely stand anyway……
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Kensington 15K – Ann Arbor Track Club – AATC

A first for me, a 15K or 9.2 mile race. Longest race to date! Having done a few training runs of 10-12 miles I decided I could tackle this race. I am happy to say the ambulance did not carry me off, and while I would have liked to finish higher in my age group, overall I am in the top 50% (48% actually). Again this shows the fitness level of 55-59 year olds that I am up against! In that group I was 17 out of 20 which puts me in the bottom 15%! A big difference.

Kensington Metro Park is one of the larger, if the not largest in the area. It encompasses the large lake and is quite a nice setting. Lots of activites we may try some time, horseback riding, biking and maybe even some walking.  You can see the pictures of the park and the race Since the path loops the lake there are not so many of the actual race.

The Kensington Challenge 15K

By the numbers

By the numbers:

a) 15 Kilometers = 9.2 miles.

b) ran at a 10:02 per mile pace, 1:33:24 total time.

c) finished 229 out of 473 overall, so finished in the top 48% of all runners.

d) finished 17 out of 20 in my age group.

e) had a great time, which was the real race goal!

The race went great, a new PR for me, and a pretty good pace.

From Last Post:

You know, I am sorta getting an urge to try a half marathon… but trying to resist until next year. Just barely doing the 5 mile thing right now. Maybe I will try a 10 miler before I make the jump. There should be some coming up yet this year. We’ll see.

Okay, that’s done, now do I go and try the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon in October?

Web site tracking of races.

The race is in it’s 25th year and is presented by the Ann Arbor Track Club.

Until the final winding path is run and the hills are all level,


“Peeping Tom” the Gorilla.

Be on the look out for a gorilla (in your dreams) that made a break from the secure storage area. Gorilla Head was last seen several (??) years ago “hanging around” outside of dorm rooms.

Like the Toe Jammer Team, Tom has been out of circulation for awhile, but is back again HOO-HAA.

Like the Toe-Jammer team, Tom has been out of circulation for quite awhile, but is back in the “swing” of things now. Watch out for random tapping on your windows.

Coconut Gorilla Head may just be the new mascot of the 2008 Toe-Jammer 5K team!

Keep reading to see where Peeping Tom may show up! (If anywhere….)

Until the final memento is unearthed,

Step 3 Done – Shamrocks & Shenanigans 5K

I am sure everyone is waiting to see the final results of the inaugural 5K race, well not so much “race” as a fast trot…..

I guess the good news, I did not stop, I did not walk, I did finish, I did not finish last even! (Sam I am…) I did not have any unpleasant medical issues which is always a nice thing.
There was a total of sixteen runners in my age group, I managed a twelfth place. There were 899 finishers and I made a 696 overall. (It looked like about 1100 entries, so some either never showed up, or quit before they went through the timing gates.) I could whine about the crowded start, being almost two blocks behind before I even crossed the start line, but I’m not gonna. I am going to mark that up to lessons learned and future race strategy. I was hoping they would have a chip timed start but it was not, but rather a “gun start”. That’s okay, just makes it easier to improve in the next race.

The Infamous Purdue University Toe-JammersTM team lives on! After a recent resurgence in activity by the Toe-JammersTM they have worked to regain the old Esprit de corps, coming out of retirement to continue on the proud tradition.

Click on the picture to see a larger image.
Some other numbers, my average pace was a blistering 10:28/mile (Odd they run all races in metric but always give the times in miles, especially since you have to deal with that little nagging extra “.11 miles” somehow.
Total time was 32:34, which is a new PR! Like I said in the previous post… it is the first 5K I have ever run so it HAS to be a new PR.
Click on the picture to see a larger image.

The official photographer was on hand to capture a number of thrilling action shots which have been posted on the web site.

The motivations for entering this 5K were:

  1. have fun
  2. do something different
  3. see how I compare against other runners
  4. finish – not first, but not last so call it a personal challenge
  5. set a benchmark to gauge future efforts against

I feel good about the goals, and think I met all of them.
Now the big decision. I made the 5K okay by my current standards. Coming up is the Martian Meteor, which is a 10K. I have looked and I think my times will keep me at least within reason, certainly not gonna be first, but think I would not be last either.
Have to try a few more 6.2 mile runs before I commit though.

Okay, I think that is about it, looking at the picture above I think I am gonna head out to the running shop now and pick up some of those man-tights to wear. The old sweats are sorta baggy… they look like they belong in the original Toe-JammersTM locker room.

Until the final event goes into the books,