Using Internet Explorer as the FTP Client for iPod Touch and FileApp

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series FTP to iPod Touch

In the previous post I said I was able to get Internet Explorer working as the FTP client for the file transfer method for the iPod Touch and FileApp program. This is true, but I have elected not to use the method, but you may wish to if you have no other FTP client or do not want to learn how to use one. (Even though some good ones are available for free, and are not that hard to use… try it!)

If you open Internet Explorer, and add the “FTP Url” the way the FileApp program shows, you get something like this:
Open the program.

This opens just fine for me, but try as I might, I could not get it to transfer any files to the iPod Touch this way. It just opens them up, but does not move them. I “think” the way it is supposed to work is to open both Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer at the same time. Then you should just be able to “Drag and Drop” files from one to the other.
Not for me though. I did a little searching and found a Microsoft web site that referred to my problem based on this error message.

Open the program.

Here are the basic steps to make it work once you get the FTP URL in IE, and see the directories as shown above. Go to “Page” then “Open FTP Site in Windows Explorer”.
Open the program.

Follow these steps to change the “Proxy” as required above.  Please read the entire post *before* changing anything.
Open the program.

These are the two main items to change. “Uncheck” the Automatic detection, and “Check” the Use a proxy server. Add the information from your iPod Touch FileApp DNS address.

Open the program.

Save everything, close the windows, now open both Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer.

Open the program.

Open the program.

If everything goes according to plan you should be able to drag and drop now! At least it worked fine for me….

Go to this Microsoft Windows web site for full directions.

Now, why did I elect NOT to use this method. Well… if you now go back to Internet Explorer, and try to go to some other web page, see what happens. If your PC acts like mine, you will get a “Not Found” error, meaning you cannot connect to the “outside” internet”… not such a cool thing. Maybe it can be made to work so it can see both the iPod Touch and “the internet” but I am not going to spend much time on trying.  I am happy to just use my FTP client to transfer the files. One way MAY be to have two browsers, configure one to use a proxy and one not to. This is not the same as opening two windows, or even two instances of Internet Explorer since they both would use the same settings. But maybe Firefox for one and IE for the other… but hey, I am NOT even sure that would work. If you are technically inclined and know the way to do this and fell like sending the method to do it, please do, and I will post it here. Otherwise, that’s it for me!


Adding Files to iPod Touch or iPad – Part Three

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series FTP to iPod Touch

In the last post I finished up by adding the entire Second Site HTML folder over to the “root” on the iPod Touch.

Now we are ready to begin using the files.

Open FileApp on the iPod Touch.
Open the program.

When it opens click on the “WIFI” button. Then the “Done” button at top right.
Open the program.
You should be seeing a list of files and directories at this point!
You can also explore the options. (The little “Gear” icon.) I changed the “Show File Extension” to on, just so I know what I am about to open from the file list. If you add new files it will automatically update when you enter the screen, or you can force the update using the “Circle / Refresh” icon.

Opening the “Kasdorf Genealogy” folder shows all the Second Site created files. Scroll down the list to “index.htm” (No extension shown in the photo… that’s why I turned on extensions in the setting later!
Open the program.

clicking on the index.htm file should open the main page of the SS web page! You can rotate the iPod to see it landscape.
Open the program.

All the links should work, you can open most all of the files for viewing. The FileApp is what is actually opening and showing the documents.
Open the program.
What I have NOT figured out at this point is where to put related documents. In the program I link to a lot of PDF’s and photo albums. The photo albums work just fine, but the linked PDF documents not so… giving me something to play around with.

Update: December 21, 2010.

Okay to see all the related documents you put them (I suggest a COPY of them.) in the Second Site “-i” folder. Rebuild the web site. Now you should be able to see any content you linked to within Second Site. This surprised me. Since I use absolute links in the Second Site pages ie: “https://myweb/myfolder/second site/document.pdf” it still knew to link to these documents. One of the folder for an old newsletter which was a series of 900 scans ran the size of the Second Site project up to 134 megabytes! It still transferred this in just at ten minutes. Pretty impressive. All the links work on the iPod Touch…. now if I wanted to splurge I think the DiskAid app lets you edit the documents (?). Very handy for recording new information on the spot… especially with the camera on the iPod Touch!

Now you can experiment with it.

If you like this, and use it a lot you may want to try out the full “Pro” version. It might be fun to try the “DiskAid” program also. It has some other interesting features like transferring your photos (if you have the newer iPod Touch with camera, or iPhone.)

. . . if you did this before you deleted all the files on the iPod Touch you may have an issue getting those files out of there!

Important Note: The “Pro” version was on sale for the holidays. I bought it… for $0.99 great! Anyway, I installed it and noticed the files I had put there with the “Non-Pro” version were not shown… interesting. I added some files using “Pro”, then closed the program. I then opened the old version (Non-Pro) and looked… there were all my original files. It seems that the two FileApp programs put the files in different places, but both are called “Start Here”… This does not seem to be a huge problem… unless you think “I have the better “Pro” version so I am going to remove the old app…. I think if you did this before you deleted all the files on the iPod Touch you may have an issue getting those files out of there! So I guess I would suggest you use the original “Non Pro” version to remove any files you added using it before you would remove it!

Important Note 2: Make the web site using Second Site. Another post I read discussed the difference between a “regular” web page and once created for use with a CD/DVD.  When SS creates a structure for a CD/DVD it makes a subfolder with most of the files. In the root it only puts the autorun files and the Index.html file. I created a web page this way, and then deleted the autorun files. When I moved these to the iPod Touch it made it very easy to launch the web page since there was only the one file in the “Genealogy” root folder. Try it!

A cleaner structure.

Compare this to the iPod Touch screen in previous post where you have to scroll through hundreds of files to find the “Index.html” file to launch the web site.

A cleaner structure.
Okay, think that is is for this post. I am going to create another on using Internet Explorer as the FTP client, which I did get to work.


How to FTP files to an iPod Touch / Phone or iPad – Part Two

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series FTP to iPod Touch

Now that you have the FileApp App and probably played around with it… and if you haven’t already figured it out. (Hey I did it so it ain’t all that hard….)

The first step is to start the file sharing program. Just click on “Start Sharing”… oh wait a minute… you are using your wireless network, or on you PC/Laptop.. see warning in Part One of this project.

Open the program.

The program will show what the IP address for the iPod is that you should use.

Open the program.

The you are supposed to be ready to go using a normal web browser and “Drag and Drop”. I didn’t get this to work for me though. (Update: I did get this to work… but with other issues. See upcoming post.)

Open the program.

I used an FTP Program instead. (I may go back and try the browser method again since I think more people would use that method than using FTP client.) There are lots of free FTP clients out there like Cute FTP. Mine happens to be built into the file manager program I have used for many years “Power Desk”.

Begin, in whatever FGP program you use by adding a new FTP site. tippmix eredmények él?

Open the program.

Name the site anything you want.

Open the program.

Use the IP address shown on the iPod, FileApp earlier. ( in my case) Add the PORT number which is shown after the colon in the IP address in FileApp (2121 in my case.)

Open the program.

I used the “anonymous” logon, just leaving it the way it was…. and leaving the “password” blank.

Open the program.

If it asks for a password I just click on “No”.

Open the program.

Ignore this message, or at least I did.

Open the program.

The final setting, for my FTP program look like this.

Open the program.

Now try to open your FTP session, you may get a prompt for a password… I just cancel this.

Open the program.

If it all goes according to plan you have a successful connect dialog box! gaminator kalandtúra

Open the program.

Now you can start the fun stuff!

You should see a method to move files depending on your FTP client.

I started by dragging my entire Second Site HTML folder over to the “root” which seems to be “Start Here”. I haven’t tried to rename that, no reason to I guess. I did make a subfolder “Kasdorf Genealogy” using the FTP client first, then put all the files in it.

Open the program.

Next, using the FileApp Program.
