Cool New Toy for Running Around.

Part One, where a purely rational decision is made to purchase a new electronic toy necessary piece of equipment for my safety.

As you can see from the recent posts I have been doing some running to get in shape, relax and enjoy the great out of doors. I have been using a combination of the pedometer I bought in August 2007 when it looked like I might exercise for more than two weeks without giving up, and an antique stop watch I got as part of some training years ago. (I had thought I lost the key to wind it up!) This was working pretty well for walking, but as I ran more and became more interested in “pace” and “miles” logged it wasn’t working out as well.

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Holland Michigan – The Awakening

Click on the picture to see a larger image.

It is spring in Michigan – finally! Daytime temperatures are getting into the 70’s, and making all the living things come alive. Grass is greening up, soon the mowers will need to come out, the Tulip trees have new large buds on them, and in the garden are signs of new life.

Click on the picture to see a larger image.
The results and long, patient wait after the trip to Holland Michigan is coming to the dramatic conclusion! The bulbs have survived the trip here, the fall planting, and now are beginning to open up. It remains to be seen a) how many will be eaten by the rabbits, and b) what the final colors will look like in the arrangements! Stay tuned for the conclusion.

Until the final bulb is lit,

“Peeping Tom” the Gorilla.

Be on the look out for a gorilla (in your dreams) that made a break from the secure storage area. Gorilla Head was last seen several (??) years ago “hanging around” outside of dorm rooms.

Like the Toe Jammer Team, Tom has been out of circulation for awhile, but is back again HOO-HAA.

Like the Toe-Jammer team, Tom has been out of circulation for quite awhile, but is back in the “swing” of things now. Watch out for random tapping on your windows.

Coconut Gorilla Head may just be the new mascot of the 2008 Toe-Jammer 5K team!

Keep reading to see where Peeping Tom may show up! (If anywhere….)

Until the final memento is unearthed,

Step 1 Done – Shamrocks and Shenanigans 5K

Well, if I needed motivation, the entry fee has been sent in.
Have successfully managed to go the 5K (3.1 mile) distance non-stop on a couple of occasions now, so there is hope I can at least finish the race.

It is almost guaranteed that I won’t be in first place at the end

It is almost guaranteed that I won’t be in first place at the end, even in my age group. (Unless of course no one else shows up!) BUT no matter what happens I am guaranteed a “PR” or Personal Record for the event AND all time 5K record pace!

(Only because I have
a) never run this event before
b) have never even run a 5K before!)

Hey, take the motivation where you can find it!

Until the final blister heals,

Optimistic or Realistic – time will tell.

If you have been reading the Kazology posts all along, especially those on some of the trips, you will know I have made comments about being out of shape. For example when I visited Canadas Jasper and Elk Island Parks. I had pretty much the same reactions in Yosemite and Sequoia parks. Feeling really out of shape after these experiences – you know the 82 year old that blew by me hiking in Jasper . . . I started to get a little more exercise. When it seemed like I may stick with it more than two days, I bought a pedometer. As many newer technological devices this one downloads into software on the PC. So I am pretty confident when I say since August 2007 I have logged over 600 miles walking and jogging.  (I do not count regular walking in this, only “exercise” time. ) I could go on about all the aches and pains I went through getting started, but that isn’t why I was writing this. After six months of pretty regular workouts I am thinking about trying a 5K race in March 2008. Ann Arbor has a “Shamrocks and Shenanigans” 5K that may be the inaugural Kazology sponsored race (or leisurely stroll . . . time will tell.)

Until the final blister heals,

Signature Test Post

Will this really add my new signature, or did I screw up the code?

Well, whadda ya know? It looks like it works the first time in the preview window!
How personal is this little touch.